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Thursday, 15 May 2014

So many holidays, so little time...

When I started this blog, I was worried I wouldn't have enough to say. Okay, so I go away pretty much every school holiday, but would that really give me enough to write about? I could write a review of the hotel, tell a funny holiday story... but what about the time in between holidays? I clearly needn't have worried. I never finished writing about Benidorm, and I barely started on Jamaica - and I've been away again since then! I still have a whole bunch of videos to add to YouTube and a review to do on Trip Advisor - and I have another holiday to go on in just over a week...! Clearly, regardless of the amount of material I have to write about, the amount of time I have to write it is the bigger issue. Much as I love holidays, writing and combining the two, life gets in the way. School runs, cleaning, washing, cooking, after-school clubs, not to mention work - blogging doesn't get much of a look in! Even when there's a break in the almost never-ending list of things I 'should be doing', I almost feel too guilty to blog, 'cos there's probably something else more 'important' that I 'should be doing' instead. But that is exactly why I like holidays so much! Holidays are the one time that I don't feel guilty for doing something 'unimportant'. On holiday, I don't have to cook, clean, load the dishwasher or tidy up. Childcare is shared between me and my husband - and it's so much easier because we don't have the stresses and pressure of the usual time schedules. We don't have to think about bills, work, appointments and all those other things that shouldn't in theory take that long to take care of but still seem to occupy so much time in your head. We don't have to be anywhere at a certain time - unless you count getting to the restaurant in time for dinner or making sure we don't lie in long enough to waste the day! At home, if I have time off work, I can't relax - if I'm not actually doing chores, I'm thinking about doing them, or thinking about something else I should be doing instead. But on holiday, it's different - I physically can't do anything about work or the house, so I don't think about it. We're all so much happier and more relaxed. I may well come back from a holiday physically exhausted, but mentally I've had a break, and I feel so much better!

Anyway, I'll make it my mission to at least catch up on my last holidays before I go away this summer. With five weeks in Australia to write about when I get back, I'm going to have to make sure I'm up to date first. And all those 'important' things I 'should be doing' may just have to wait!

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